Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Easter swaps

Much has been written about swap flakers and swap etiquette, but what about a hostess that disappears?!!! What can you do other than move on another project. Does her name get posted so that others can avoid her swaps? Things come up that prevent you from following through with your plans, but courtesy requires contacting those in your swap. No lengthy explanation, no details necessary, just a simple email or notice on your blog.

Heidi of Foxgloves, Fabric and Folly has paired up her participants for another wonderful "vintage" swap. This is the Very Vintage Easter Basket themed swap. My partner is Alissa and she sounds like a great match. I love looking at blogs to see what others send and receive. That should, and does, make me feel very guilty for not posting pictures. I just don't know how to do it.

We have a local television program called "Check, Please" that has ordinary people review their favorite restaurant. Last night I went to one that was reviewed by Illinois' favorite son, Barack Obama, prior to his election. It was Dixie Kitchen and the food was excellent. The waiters wore teeshirts that had a Barack quote about the restaurant. Very fun. It is Southern cooking and the portions are gigantic. So big that I had to pass on dessert. Today I am craving a piece of pecan pie. Next visit I will know enough to eat only half of what is on my plate.

Monday, March 2, 2009

birthday decorations

Next Sunday my youngest turns 18. Anyone reading this who has older children will agree when I ask, where did the time go? There is a book, "Five Minutes Peace", about a mother elephant trying to get just 5 minutes alone to relax. Of course, she is unsuccessful. I vividly remember those days. We have a boy and a girl and I tell each of them something special about how they transformed my life. I tell Claire that she made my life complete, the ideal family, a boy and a girl. Truth be told, if I was guaranteed another girl, I would have had a third child. I wish Claire had a sister. I just remembered, today is my sister's birthday.

So... all that said, my original thought for this post was the birthday banner I made.
I am pleased with the results and had a very fun time making it. As soon as I finish I will hang it to enjoy all week and take a picture to post. Finished!!! I took a full shot and a close up to highlight some of the details.

The past week was full of projects. I started the vintage apron and found all sorts of vintage linens that I forgot I had. Realizing that I did not know I had them made it even more fun to put them to good use. Apron is very cute. Also started on my Easter baskets for the 2 swaps, having a lot of fun finding things to fill them. Continuing to make felted wool mittens. Our recent snowfall and below freezing temperatures make mittens a must. And cute ones are more fun.